The joy of success: time savings and top results
Robert Petsch, youth and adult coach at ESV-Munich in an interview with ATHLYZER

Robert, why don't you give us an insight into your job at the ESV? What does your job look like in practice?
First, I check the video camera before the game to make sure I get a good recording for my analysis. Then I log into ATHLYZERcoach via my Ipad and load my scheme to tag the game live. To kick off our 1st ladies' preparation, we went up against ASV. In a hectic game with a lot of ball losses and finishes, I didn't get bored while doing the analysis.
When things get hectic how do you deal with it? Does that affect the analysis?
No, even when things get hectic, I can rely on the software. Thanks to the fact that I can also work offline and that my scheme is available in the software at any time, I can mark important scenes in the video directly by live-tagging on the edge of the field and thus cut the game quasi live. That not only saves a lot of time, but is also a lot of fun.
What is particularly important to you?
It is particularly important to me to make the presentation of the video as comprehensible as possible, so that ideally every player can take something away with them. ATHLYZERcoach is an essential support for me in this. Thanks to the simple operation - and at the same time extensive functions - I was able to quickly achieve the desired results. You can watch the analysis from the match against ASV in the attached video.